katchouafoundation@gmail.com +237 6 93 80 98 75

Beat Leprosy: Leprosy Awareness Campaign


Katchoua Foundation (KF) in Cameroon joining their voice with the rest of the world to raise awareness on leprosy. 31st January which is World Leprosy Day is a perfect date for us to come together and raise awareness of this neglected tropical disease (Leprosy is one of the NTDs). Stand for those suffering from leprosy and tell them not to feel unwanted. No to stigmatization because leprosy is just a disease and it is curable.

Finding and beating Leprosy;

  • NO to discrimination against persons affected by leprosy because of myths and lies.

Leprosy is curable

You can help someone who has symptoms of leprosy find out that they need to receive medical help and that leprosy is curable

Change the mind of someone suffering from Leprosy; our attitude has a lot to do with our mental health.

Did you know?

  • Leprosy is curable
  • Leprosy has a serious impact on a person’s mental health.
  • You can end leprosy stigma by raising an awareness campaign.

Let us make a difference this January by encouraging someone to seek medical attention before leprosy causes them serious damage.  KF is saying NO to discrimination. Fighting Leprosy in Cameroon will help people suffering from leprosy to BEAT LEPROSY.


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