katchouafoundation@gmail.com +237 6 93 80 98 75

April 2021: Katchoua Foundation Menstrual Hygiene Day at Government Practicing School, Molyko – Buea

Menstrual hygiene management in Government Practicing School Molyko II Buea-Cameroon.
KFMHD: Understand Her Menstrual Needs.

Menstrual hygiene management in Government Practicing School Molyko II Buea-Cameroon.

Katchoua Foundation addressing menstruation-related challenges to 45 girls in Government Practicing School Molyko II in Cameroon. Menstruation won’t stop because of Covid-19 thus, we need to tackle these challenges with urgency.
KFMHD (Katchoua Foundation Menstrual Hygiene Day) is working towards a community where no girl is held back because of menstruation.
Katchoua Foundation is working so hard donating free monthly sanitary pads to underprivileged girls in school, and orphanages.

Lecturing to girls about menstruation and the myths that surround it.

KFMHD is investing in Menstrual Health by Understanding her menstrual needs.

You are the solution, Menstrual Education and sanitary pad will make it happen.

Katchoua Foundation has it as objectives to:

*Improve access to menstrual products,
*Tackle period stigma,
*Address the effects of Covid -19 on Menstrual supplies.
*Debunking myths and misconception of Menstruation.

While in school, the young girls require an environment that is supportive of menstrual hygiene management in order to ensure regular school attendance and participation while educating them on Menstrual Hygiene.
Most girls reported challenges, including: use of non-absorbent and uncomfortable menstrual cloth and inadequate provision of sanitary materials, water, hygiene and sanitation facilities (WASH) in schools.

Prize winner of the day

We can’t do this on our own, we are asking you to join your voice with ours, and pad a girl child.
Humanity First Humanity at heart.


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