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Promoting Menstrual Hygiene in Njitem in Adamawa Region, Cameroon – Understand Her Menstrual Needs

Promoting Menstrual Hygiene in Njitem in Adamawa Region, Cameroon – Understand Her Menstrual Needs

On March 12, 2023, the Katchoua Foundation carried out a menstrual hygiene program under the theme, “Understand Her Menstrual Needs.” The program was held in the rural community of Njitem in Adamawa, Cameroon, and aimed to promote menstrual hygiene practices among young girls and women in the area.

The activities that took place during the KF-MHD: Understand Her Menstrual Needs program included:

Sensitization of the people of Njitem, in Adamawa on menstrual hygiene: The Katchoua Foundation sensitized the community on the importance of menstrual hygiene and its impact on the health of young girls. The community was educated on how to maintain proper menstrual hygiene practices to prevent infections and other related health issues.

Donation of free sanitary pads to the less privileged: The Katchoua Foundation also donated free sanitary pads to young girls and women in the community to promote menstrual hygiene. This was done to encourage them to use sanitary pads instead of dirty cloth, which can lead to infections and other related health problems.

Free education of menstruation, and menstrual hygiene, and how to use sanitary pad: Ms Kwahsiwi Gisèlle Kagap, the Katchoua Foundation focal person in Adamawa, provided free education on menstruation, menstrual hygiene, and how to use sanitary pads. This education was aimed at equipping young girls with the knowledge and skills they need to maintain proper menstrual hygiene practices.

The KF-MHD: Understand Her Menstrual Needs program was a success, as it helped to raise awareness about menstrual hygiene practices and the importance of using sanitary pads. The donation of free sanitary pads to the less privileged was also well-received by the community, as it helped to address the issue of affordability.

The Katchoua Foundation’s menstrual hygiene program was a step in the right direction towards promoting menstrual hygiene practices among young girls in rural communities. The program will continue as a routine in this area to educate the community on the importance of menstrual hygiene and provide free sanitary pads to those in need. The Katchoua Foundation is committed to continuing its efforts to promote menstrual hygiene practices and improve the health of young girls in rural communities.

