AFRICAN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE DAY African traditional medicine day is celebrated every year on the 31st of August across the continent. This day is set aside to enhance the link between traditional medicine and institutional health care in line with the WHO strategy. Traditional medicine contributes to physical and mental well-being and uses a diversity of...Read More
BEST NATURAL DOCTORS SUNLIGHT When sunlight touches the skin, it stimulates the production of vitamin D. vitamin D is vital for the body as a whole; it lowers high blood pressure, improves the brain function, protects against inflammation, helps muscles. REST Like your phone that needs to be recharged when its battery gets low, so...Read More
QUANTITY OF WATER NEEDED BY THE BODY Certainly, one doesn’t need to overemphasize the importance of water because its uses are enormous. The consequences of its absence from our day-to-day living are devastating. Water is unarguably the most important liquid on the planet for both plants and animals. In animals, transport within the body (moving...Read More
May 28 is Menstrual Hygiene Day (MH Day); we dedicated this day to bringing awareness on the vital role that good menstrual hygiene management (MHM) plays in empowering women and adolescent girls at Mountain kids Orphanage Bokwango. KGB-HLF creating MH awareness in COVID-19 and trying to create a world in which, every woman and girl...Read More
KGB-HLF carried out a training session in the fight against coronavirus at Grace of God Philanthropic Foundation Orphanage at Bunduma, Buea in Cameroon. The orphans were successfully trained to produce their own hand sanitizers, disposable nose mouth masks, and proper handwashing with water and soap as well as social distancing. A 20 minutes talk on...Read More