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When sunlight touches the skin, it stimulates the production of vitamin D. vitamin D is vital for the body as a whole; it lowers high blood pressure, improves the brain function, protects against inflammation, helps muscles.

  • REST

Like your phone that needs to be recharged when its battery gets low, so also is the human brain. With the world becoming so dynamic, hustling and bustling are our top priorities. Compromising rest has become the easy target hence, leading to brain fatigue. Rest boosts the immune system, reduces inflammation and the rate of heart disease, reduces stress, restores energy, improves the memory, helps you stay mentally and emotionally fit. Perhaps, the most interesting thing about rest is that it beautifies by slowing ageing.


Apart from the fact that exercise keeps the body in shape, it also has several benefits to the body; exercise improves brain function and protects memory and thinking skills, plays a crucial role in building and maintaining of bones and tissue, reduces the rate of chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes. Exercise improves your mode and decreases feelings of anxiety and stress.

  • DIET

We are what we eat. Your physical appearance is an expression of the quantity or the quality of what you have been eating. Your diet should be as important as part of your body.

Eat your food as your medicine. Otherwise, you have to eat medicine as your food.


Believe in yourself even if the world doesn’t believe in you. Your passion and hard work for what you do will always make your dreams come to reality.


Friends are an integral part of our lives. Friends have become incorporated in our day to day life. Some people prefer a friend to a brother or sister. They argue that it’s easier to share a dirty secret to a friend and feel comfortable than with a relative, unless the relative is your friend, which I guess is true. Everyone needs someone to run to in time of distress, and the soldiers of friends are always available. Friend are not there only in sad moments but also, you hangout and catch fun together, relieving stress and give you the sense of belonging.


By Agahbom Princewill Z.





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