katchouafoundation@gmail.com +237 6 93 80 98 75


World Menstrual Hygiene Day: Break the Silence, Empower Girls with Katchoua Foundation! Today, on World Menstrual Hygiene Day, we celebrate the power of education and action in building a #PeriodFriendlyWorld! In Cameroon, many girls experience shame and isolation due to the cultural stigma surrounding periods.  This, as many of you know, can lead to a...
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Empowering Communities | Katchoua Foundation’s Healthy Living & Menstrual Hygiene Day InitiativeKatchoua Foundation recently conducted a transformative community intervention titled “Healthy Living & Katchoua Foundation Menstrual Hygiene Day” in Mabeta Njanga, Limbe, Cameroon. From February 7th to 14th, 2024, the foundation embarked on a comprehensive initiative aimed at promoting healthy living practices and raising awareness...
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Menstrual hygiene is essential to women’s health, yet it is frequently overlooked and undervalued due to unequal power dynamics and harmful gender biases. In many societies, menstruation is stigmatized and viewed as taboo, causing many women and girls to feel ashamed and embarrassed about their periods. This, in turn, can lead to inadequate menstrual hygiene...
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World Hepatitis Day World Hepatitis Day is an opportunity for all to come together and raise awareness in order to promote global action on viral hepatitis. Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis causes a range of health problems, including liver cancer. There are five main types of the hepatitis virus – A, B,...
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Many women experience Period mood swings and other psychological symptoms before a period. Feeling depressed before and during a menstrual period is common. Facts About Female Hormones You blame your bad moods on your hormones; but how much do you really know about them? These emotional changes occur as a result of fluctuating hormone levels....
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World Health Day: Our planet, our health Creating equitable health for all. The Climate crisis is the biggest health threat facing humanity. Over 90% of people breathe unhealthy air resulting from the burning of fossil fuels. A heating world is seeing mosquitos spread diseases farther and faster than ever before. Land degradation and water scarcity...
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Bachelor Of Science in Business Administration

1810 Campus Way NE
Bothell, WA 98011-8246


Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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