katchouafoundation@gmail.com +237 6 93 80 98 75

Drawing on the Lessons of Corona Virus to Address Environmental Degradation

Drawing on the Lessons of Corona Virus to Address Environmental Degradation

Ocean dumping has greatly affected the environment of Limbe. Join us in servicing the new “green” economy, and addressing challenges in healthcare, Sanitation, and education. Addressing Environmental degradation to ensure the safety of our communities, our cities, and our country. COVID-19 crisis is devastating, but failing to tackle environmental degradation; plastic wastes because of the crisis only compounds the tragedy. Our war with the environment is leading to pandemics. COVID-19 causes respiratory illness and exposure to air pollution worsens our vulnerability.

A wake-up call:
Tackle environmental degradation through biodiversity.
A need to save resources reconnect with nature.
Start converting plastic bottles into new finished products and give back more to the community. Humanity First Humanity at Heart. My community my Strength-KGB

Thanks to YALI West Africa, KGB-HEALTHY LIVING FOUNDATION, and our partners; HYSACAM and USAID West Africa.

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