katchouafoundation@gmail.com +237 6 93 80 98 75

February 2021: Katchoua Foundation Menstrual Hygiene Day at Mountain Kids Orphanage – Bokwango, Buea

Free monthly pad donation on KFMHD

Theme: Understand Her Menstrual Needs

Mountain Kids Orphanage in Bokwango-Buea

Katchoua foundation donated free monthly pads to the mountain kids orphanage under the theme “understand her menstrual needs”.

Sandrine is an orphan at the mountain kids orphanage. She is so welcoming and her beautiful smiles are heart-touching.

The Objectives of this program ( KFMHD) is to help the kids

  • Understand Menstruation/Menstrual cycle
  • Education about menstruation changes and calculation of the menstrual cycle
  • Educated the kids on puberty, hygiene menstruation, and how to physically and psychologically handle such periods
  • Correcting some myths and misconceptions

The significance of menstrual hygiene can’t be over-emphasized due to the risk associated with unhealthy menstrual handling. It gives us joy knowing the orphans have good sanitary pads to cater for themselves during menstruation.

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