katchouafoundation@gmail.com +237 6 93 80 98 75

Free HIV/AIDS Screening in Central Market Buea, Cameroon

End Inequalities, End AIDS

Despite the wealth of awareness carried out in Cameroon on HIV/AIDS, some groups of people in Cameroon are more likely to get HIV than others because of many factors, including sex partners and risk behaviors. Katchoua Foundation and Partners; RTG in South West Region continue to give basic information about HIV, and free tests for HIV in the communities in Buea.

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system. Lack of proper information, education, and treatment on HIV can lead to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). If HIV is not treated, it can lead to AIDS.

Katchoua Foundation will stop at nothing until massive screening and awareness create a positive impact.

Educating our community on these diseases indiscriminately, will help End Inequalities, End AIDS.

Together we say, with proper medical care, HIV can be controlled.
People with HIV who get effective HIV treatment can live long, healthy lives and protect their partners.

Screening in the market is necessary because we have people of all classes and cultures, especially those who can not afford testing facilities.
Answering questions like:
-How do I know if I have HIV?
The answer is to get tested (and testing is free).
Some people can’t afford money to pay for tests or transport to go the hospital.
Meeting them in the market is a great strategy to get all tested, no transport or money barrier since the test is free.

Knowing your HIV status helps one make healthy decisions to prevent getting or transmitting HIV.
AIDS prevalence and awareness in Cameroon is a major call for concern. Even in the COVID-19 crisis, there is still a need to raise awareness on HIV mass screening, follow up and referral to treatment centers.
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) (2013), research has shown that many young people between the ages of 13-29 are not concerned about becoming infected with HIV/AIDS and many of them do not know their HIV status. Hence, there is a need for a free screening of HIV. Katchoua Foundation mobile team thought it wise to go into the community and meet people in their comfort zone to get tested.

Together we can give hope to the hopeless, helping AIDS sufferers and their loved ones. AIDS is not a death sentence; encouraging people to stand on their feet and fight infection is the right thing to do.

Katchoua Foundation is here to give voice to the thousands, and to help End Inequalities, End  AIDS.

The goal of free HIV Screening awareness is to ensure we all stay on the safe side. Market HIV screening gives people the opportunity to voice their problems and free to express their doubts, talking to them in the language they understand motivates all adults to get tested for HIV and know their status. HIV testing should be a part of everyone’s regular health routine.

Target audience: All adults; focus on populations most at risk for HIV in Cameroon.

Katchoua Foundation, Community HIV screening in the market is working.
Conducting screening in a community setting in our case being a market place helped reach a broad set of people who are at risk and may be less likely to visit a clinic for a test.
Market strategies include interventions targeting people from different classes.

A mobile testing unit has proven to be effective, encouraging door-to-door testing in the community will go a long way to raise awareness, providing free screening whereas clinics may not offer free or low-cost HIV testing.

Free rapid HIV testing and counseling both in markets and at other community locations is a great strategy to fight HIV/AIDS.

#CommunityHIVTesting #FreeHIVScreening

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