katchouafoundation@gmail.com +237 6 93 80 98 75

January 2021: Katchoua Foundation Menstrual Hygiene Day At HOTPEC Orphanage – Mile 14 Buea

Free monthly pad donations at KFMHD

Theme: Understand Her Menstrual Needs


HOTPEC Orphanage in mile 14-Buea

Free monthly pads donation at HOTPEC Orphanage in mile 14-Buea  under the theme: Understand her Menstrual Needs

In commemoration of the Katchoua Foundation Menstrual Hygiene Day (KFMHD), the free pads donation took place on 15/01/2021 from 3:00 pm-5:00 pm at HOTPEC Orphanage, Mile 14 – Buea.


  • Understanding Menstruation/Menstrual cycle
  • Education about menstruation changes and calculation of the menstrual cycle
  • Educated the orphans on puberty, hygiene menstruation, and how to physically and psychologically handle such periods
  • FREE PADS donations

Menstrual hygiene is very important for a girl child because when a girl faces difficulties in managing her menses in a healthy way, she is at risk for infection.

We decided to educate more than 50 orphans in Hotpec orphanage and supplied more than 20 menstruating girls with free sanitary pads.

We are happy we were able to carry this free pads project to help a girl child.

Understand her menstrual needs.
Join your voice with ours to say YES to free pads donation.

Free pads donation in Cameroon will help her gain self-confidence, stay focus in class without absenteeism as well as to make the less privileged stay SAFE.

Lunch with the kids at HOTPEC Orphanage

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