katchouafoundation@gmail.com +237 6 93 80 98 75

June 2021: Katchoua Foundation Menstrual Hygiene Day at Safe the Children Alliance Orphanage Bota-Bombu Limbe-Cameroon

Menstrual Hygiene Kits Donation at the Safe the Children Alliance orphanage Bota-Bombu Limbe-Cameroon.

Understand Her Menstrual Needs: KFMHD 6th edition took place on the 26th June 2021, a perfect day to assist our future mothers of tomorrow.

Orphan girls don’t have access to appropriate menstrual hygiene products and are forced to use unsafe alternatives like rags & foams. Within orphanages, the situation is worse because of finances and many girls do not have the knowledge nor means. Katchoua Foundation empowers young girls in orphanages to feel confident and secure during their monthly flow by providing them with menstrual hygiene kits. We also conduct menstrual hygiene awareness sessions on hygiene, usage of sanitary pads, and safe disposal of used pads. We believe our monthly donations will go a long way to fight infections and put a smile on a girl’s face.

Menstruation is one thing that almost every woman has to deal with. “Every month I bleed,” says a girl child.
Underprivileged and less privileged women and girls do not have access to menstrual hygiene products which forces them to use unhealthy alternatives.

These girls drop out of school when they start menstruating due to a lack of pads. We have to fight the myths surrounding menstruation and menstrual hygiene.

Understand Her Menstrual Needs;
The vision of this project is to bring good menstrual hygiene to young girls at orphanages.
KF-MHD (Katchoua Foundation Menstrual Hygiene Day) will keep providing sanitary pads to underprivileged girls at orphanages, conducting education/awareness programs about personal hygiene, usage of sanitary pads, and its safe disposal to empower girls on how to manage their periods.

In the course of serving our community, we are rescuing young girls at orphanages who are forced to use unsafe alternatives during their periods. This project aims to make a positive impact and help in breaking the taboo surrounding menstruation.

A call for Menstrual Health Education.
Please, the orphans also bleed
They should not be left out.

Together we can💪
Humanity First Humanity At Heart-KF

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