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Katchoua Foundation: Acting Together To End INEQUALITIES/World AIDS Day 2022 – Mabeta Njanga Limbe III

Katchoua Foundation: Acting Together To End INEQUALITIES/World AIDS Day 2022 – Mabeta Njanga Limbe III

Katchoua Foundation, together with RTG AIDS and Mabeta Njanga Intergreted Health Center Limbe III carried out a sensitization, education campaign and HIV screening in Mabeta Njanga to end inequalities.
We believe that a partnership during intervention has more impact. Prevention and treatment of HIV begins by raising awareness as one.

Katchoua Foundation joined the world in commemorating World AIDS Day 2022 under the theme, “Equalize” at Mabeta Njanga Limbe III, Cameroon. We highlighted ongoing inequalities holding back the end of HIV/AIDS and for communities to address these inequalities.

Mabeta-Njanga, Limbe III

Awareness days are powerful focal points to rally around and make a difference.
“Equalize” slogan is a call to action.
We keep carrying out our activities and render services to all, especially those in poor areas like; Mabeta Njanga with little or no roads and health facilities, for HIV services and treatment. Fighting HIV/AIDS requires us carrying out free testing and prevention so that everyone is well-served in Mabeta Njanga, Limbe III , Cameroon.

Activities carried out by Katchoua Foundation show that inequalities are obstructing the end of AIDS.
If little attention is given to those in the rural areas, poor and difficult areas like; Mabeta Njanga and others,
it will help fight the Inequalities.
We keep fighting to get the AIDS response on track.

Promoting HIV services for all without discrimination will enable equal access to HIV prevention and treatment. Also, communities will be able to make use of and adapt the “Equalize” message.

Persons in areas with poor health facilities continue to confront several barriers: accessing equal opportunities and necessary infrastructure.

HIV Screening in Mabeta Njanga Intergrated Health Center

Katchoua Foundation is committed to stopping new cases of HIV and fighting discrimination.
World AIDS Day gave us another opportunity to raise much needed awareness about HIV and identify new cases.

Katchoua Foundation is committed to stopping new cases of HIV, and fighting HIV stigma and discrimination. People living with HIV are at the heart of what we do, and this year’s World AIDS Day campaign is no different.

The small step we take matters, and always contributing to end the HIV epidemic for good, we urge all to also continue fighting the stigma still experienced by people living with HIV. The little you do can help us realize our vision of a future where HIV is no barrier to health or equality.

End AIDS – by fighting the inequalities which perpetuate it.

Together, let us all support and pray for a future where HIV is no barrier to health or equality.

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