katchouafoundation@gmail.com +237 6 93 80 98 75

March 2021: Katchoua Foundation Menstrual Hygiene Day at Orphanage of All Nations, Tiko

Understand Her Menstrual Needs: Orphanage of All Nations, Tiko

The KATCHOUA FOUNDATION (KF) on 13/03/2021 carried out their monthly Menstrual Hygiene campaign to create awareness on menstruation and menstrual hygiene among orphan children living in Orphanage of All Nations, Tiko.

In Cameroon, most orphanages are made up of girls currently of reproductive age — and menstruation is a monthly reality for them. Yet they are always left out, many of them lack access to menstrual hygiene products or sanitation facilities, either due to limited availability or excessive cost. Myths and stigmas surrounding menstruation cause some girls to miss school or go into isolation. Trying to raise awareness on this issue with the girls of all ages involved, is of great importance.
Education will help foster engagement with this often unspoken issue.

KF – MHD is a project to promote the concept of Menstrual Hygiene Management among less privileged and underprivileged girls as well as street children. We are ready and always prepared to raise awareness on this issue. Men are the stronger vessel and can work yet condoms are given to them for free while our girls are seen as the weaker vessel but pulled out of school to take care of their brothers and pads are sold to them. What a culture!

The benefits of the KF-MHD in Tiko orphanage:
-Donations of free sanitary pads.
-Menstrual education.
-Creating awareness on health and menstrual hygiene along with sociological and environmental issues, and removing the stigma associated with menstruation among girls in orphanages.
-Quiz to better understand their level of awareness.

The free sanitary pads supplied to orphans helped in driving them towards fruitful education without any absenteeism and health hazards is our goal.

Administration of quiz after a lecture on menstruation/menstrual hygiene helped them to understand better. The interactive session was worth it. Leaving our comfort zones to go into rural and urban areas where the less privileged are located is a necessity.

We say a big NO to the use of unhygienic material as pads.
No to the stigmatization that comes with menstruation.

Humanity First Humanity at Heart-KF

We beg you to join your voice with ours to Understand Her Menstrual Needs.

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