katchouafoundation@gmail.com +237 6 93 80 98 75

MHH For All Women And Girls, Njitem – Adamawa, Cameroon

MHH for all women and girls – Njitem, Adamawa, Cameroon

Katchoua Foundation, in collaboration with various partners, is actively working towards normalizing menstruation and eliminating the obstacles it poses by 2030. As part of our efforts, we have included the Adamawa Region in our Katchoua Foundation Menstrual Hygiene Day (KFMHD) initiative in 2023. We aim to provide free monthly sanitary pads and menstrual hygiene education to underprivileged girls and women in Njitem, Adamawa – Cameroon.

Menstrual Hygiene Day is a collective endeavor that requires the involvement of everyone. Unfortunately, in the community of Njitem, menstruating women and girls face stigmatization, exclusion, and discrimination. We find it unacceptable that menstruation continues to hinder women and girls from accessing education, earning an income, and participating fully and equally in everyday life.

Our dedicated team and partners strive to break the taboos surrounding menstruation and eliminate the associated stigma throughout the year. We also raise awareness about the challenges related to menstrual product accessibility, menstrual education, and the availability of free menstrual hygiene products.

Proper menstrual hygiene practices are crucial. Training women and girls to care for their bodies during menstruation is integral to ensuring their fundamental freedom. However, many young girls and women in this area lack access to menstrual products and appropriate facilities for menstrual health. Maintaining good hygiene during menstruation is vital for the well-being and health of menstruators worldwide, as it ensures their safety, comfort, and overall health. With over a billion menstruating individuals worldwide, their menstrual needs must be adequately addressed.

Katchoua Foundation seizes every opportunity to promote awareness of menstrual hygiene rights on a global scale. We do not wait for Menstrual Hygiene Day to raise awareness; instead, we established the Katchoua Foundation Menstrual Hygiene Day to make a monthly impact by offering free sanitary pads and education to young women and girls. We are dedicated to continuously raising awareness about menstrual-related issues.
