katchouafoundation@gmail.com +237 6 93 80 98 75

Nelson Mandela Week: Take Action; Inspire Change in COVID-19

In celebration of the Nelson Mandela Day, KGB-Healthy Living Foundation in partnership with Greenskills Afric took action against COVID-19 and poverty. We had to Clean up our community by inspiring individuals, IDPs in Bokwango-Buea to take action to help change the world for the better, and in doing so build a better nation. As part of this event was the distribution of 50 hand sanitizers and masks to IDPs. Ultimately, we seek to empower communities everywhere. “Take Action; Inspire Change; Make Every Day Count.”

You have the power to transform the world, the ability to make an impact. The Mandela Day campaign message is: “Nelson Mandela has fought for social justice for 67 years. We’re asking you to start with 67 minutes.”


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