katchouafoundation@gmail.com +237 6 93 80 98 75

November 2021: Katchoua Foundation Menstrual Hygiene Day at Government Practicing School II Molyko, Buea

Hygiene kits and informative sessions being provided to Pupils in Government Practicing school II Molyko, Buea.
Katchoua Foundation continues to provide free monthly sanitary pads to poor girls/women fight period poverty under the theme: Understand Her Menstrual Needs.

The education given to these girls helps them not to be afraid of periods anymore.
Some girls are shy because no one including their mothers spoke to them about menstruation.
They lack knowledge on how to manage periods.
Menstrual health/hygiene is still an emergency in Cameroon.

Less privileged girls/women, especially in rural areas, struggle to get a clean piece of cloth or sanitary pads to manage their period every month. There is a lack of awareness about menstrual health and hygiene in Buea. Living in a community where less sensitization on Menstruation is done and silent treatment girls get from men, they end up using poor substitutes like paper and rags or nothing. This makes them stay away from school, end up with poor results and affect their day-to-day activity.

KFMHD keeps donating sanitary pads across Cameroon and organizing awareness sessions among the less privileged girls and orphans in communities.

Donating to this program will help young girls in underprivileged communities get access to free education, free sanitary pads, and cotton pants to manage their periods.
Together we say no to stigma and taboo surrounding menstruation.

Together let’s foster education on the subject of menstruation and girls/women’s health.
Many women in Cameroon and in many other parts of the world still struggle for basic needs during menstruation.

Menstrual hygiene awareness helps girls to face their menstrual challenges with confidence.


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