katchouafoundation@gmail.com +237 6 93 80 98 75

Sanitary Pads – An Essentials Back to School Needs

Sanitary Pads- An essentials back to school needs – Especially dormitory school children.

Katchoua Foundation Menstrual Hygiene Day (KF-MHD) under the theme: Understand Her Menstrual Needs, the program has succeeded so far in training young girls at public schools, how to manage their menstrual flow while in school.
Giving back to our communities in Cameroon is our priority.
Young girls are forced to stay back in their dormitory or drop out of school, with reasons such as; not being able to afford pad or manage their menstrual flow.

Menstruation as a factor of school dropout needs to be addressed. There isn’t enough evidence yet to compare with ours since much work hasn’t been done in Buea or Limbe to conclude on this case.
However, we will like to comment that, female latrines furnished with sanitary pads will help girls not to miss too many days of school.

Training Girls – our future mothers of tomorrow is necessary.

Advice to parents sending their children to dormitory schools:

1. Please while at home with them, teach them how to pad, wash and maintain their sanitary pads( in the case of reusable pads)
2. How to dispose of their pads
3. How to calculate their menstrual cycle
4. What to eat during their periods.
5. Debunk myths and misconceptions about periods.

For young girls in developing countries such as Cameroon, not knowing how to manage their periods can hinder access to education.

The project carried out by the Katchoua Foundation investigated that in Buea/Limbe, providing free sanitary products and education about puberty to girls may increase their attendance at school.

Period poverty is an emergency that needs to be addressed.
It is important to note that in many poor communities, menstruation is still often seen as an embarrassing, shameful, and punishment from God.
Myths and misconceptions around menstruation mean many adolescent girls are often unprepared for their periods and how to manage them.
Oftentimes, very few girls have access to sanitary towels or pads.

Katchoua Foundation says Free Sanitary products and education will improve attendance.
Menstruation is not a girl thing.
Join us today and promote menstrual hygiene.

#Katchoua Foundation
#Menstrual Health
Humanity First Humanity at Heart.

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