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World AIDS Day 2022 – Equalize

World AIDS Day 2022 – Equalize
HIV is a major public health issue that affects people worldwide. Despite the many interventions, lives are still at risk.

December 1 is World AIDS Day and Katchoua Foundation joins partners to commemorate World AIDS Day 2022 under the theme, “Equalize”. Eliminating the inequalities that are holding back progress in ending AIDS.

Putting ourselves to the test: Achieving equity to end HIV.
Together, we can address the inequalities that are holding back progress in ending AIDS and equalize access to essential HIV services for all.
We renew our commitment to end HIV, inequalities, and challenges posed by the COVID-19 crisis.

Focus on equality.
Inequalities exist in most of the testing and treatment facilities. Ensuring HIV prevention, testing, and treatment to all is the key. Health services should be made to reach and meet the needs of populations most at risk and affected, and this includes implementing a ‘zero tolerance’ policy to stigma and discrimination in all health services.


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