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World Blood Donor Day 2021: Give Blood and Keep the World Beating

Theme: Give Blood and Keep the World Beating

Every 14 June of each year, the world commemorates Blood Donor Day. It aims at raising awareness of the need to save lives through free blood donation. A lot of people lost their lives, not because something can’t be done, but because there was nobody to give his/her blood to save their lives. It equally seeks to raise awareness on the need for safe blood and blood products for transfusion. It is in this same line that the Katchoua Foundation joins the world to say that a random act of kindness can change the world, one person, at a time,  that is a random gesture of giving blood can change the world. Also, it is through these little gestures to one another that we can be able to change the world, thus changing the lives of people.

Many think that blood donation is only meant for specific family members or special people, but it is worth reminding that each life is precious, that life is priceless, so your act of generosity should be universal. Blood donation also calls on everyone to live a healthy life by constantly checking your health so that it can be qualified to save. In other words, by giving blood, you are not just saving a life, but you are saving yours too in the sense that you need to be in good health to do so.

Again, as the theme of this year urges us to give blood so that we can keep the World beating, it is a call for more people across the globe to donate blood regularly so as to contribute to better health with the emphasis placed on young people for they are the ones who can provide enough blood supply and safe blood. Therefore, the Katchoua Foundation calls on every young person to not only embrace the humanitarian call to donate blood but also to watch their health so that they won’t be the ones to destroy the lives of those in need and most importantly to be an inspiration to others to do same for life is priceless.

Furthermore, many do not participate in this because they do not know their blood groups. So, we are encouraged not to think that our blood cannot save a life for it can do more than what we think. Take note, one blood donation has the potential to save 3 or more lives in less than 30 minutes and it can only be when we know our blood groups and have in mind that someone has the same blood group as you. It is often believed that doctors are the sole people who can change lives, but saving lives is a humanitarian call that can be done through your blood donation. Thus, while looking forward to curbing the spread of COVID-19, don’t forget to save a life by giving your blood.


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